Contact Lense Safety
An alarming proportion of wearers do not practise simple contact lens care. "It takes less than a minute a day to rub and rinse yet many patients don't think it is important," said Dr. Chung Kah meng, President of the Association of Malaysian Optometrists. Proper cleaning techniques lead to a dramatic reduction of microbes growing on the lenses, vastly lowering the risk of infection. Here are some key tips:
1. Rubbing and Rinsing - Safety is enhanced significantly by rubbing and rinsing contact lenses both prior to and following storage.
2. No more than Seven Days - Lenses that have been stored for more than seven days, regardless of whether peroxide or multi-purpose solutions are used, should be re-disinfected before the next use.
3. No "Top Up" - Do not add more solution to the solution already in the case.
4. Do not use Tap water - Never use tap water to store, clean or rinse your contact lenses as water is a common source of potentially damaging microorganisms that can cause sight-threatening infections.
5. The Right Kit - One of the highest risk occasions is going on vacation - an appropriate 'travel kit' should be carried and used.
6. Avoid Exposure at Pool - Another high risk occasion is exposing lenses to potential contamination from swimming pool or spa water - wear goggles while swimming.
7. Note in the Bathroom - Storing your contact lenses in the bathroom carries a high risk of airborne contamination.
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